Photo: Yacht Island Design While the terms "houseboat" and "floating home" are sometimes used interchangeably, not everyone realizes the distinction. A floating home sits on a slab in the water and won’t be going
anywhere, while a houseboat is capable of propelling to distant lands
and moorings.
World travelers may have seen (or even stayed in) the antique wooden boats of Srinagar, India, , but this list also includes modern abodes and quickly escalates to boats nicer than many primary homes of landlubbers.
Although the following floating homes might not all be used as
permanent residences now, a boat home does have its appeal to those
concerned about rising sea levels due to global warming. One day, owners
of buoyant homes may be extra grateful they made the investment.
On a lighter note, they look like a lot of fun to anyone who has sea legs.
1969 Benetti Motor Yacht
Location:Fort Fla
Price: $2,195,000 Location:Fort Fla
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 8
Length: 112 feet
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